Publish Date: Friday, August 22, 2008
Coordinates: 38° 47.14′ N 076°13.23′ W
Today was amazing! We saddled up the boat and took our first solo outing out on the Chesapeake. We went over to a small town called Saint Michael’s. We docked in a really cool marina, and headed out to explore. This was a fishing town during the Revolutionary War. All the houses resemble old colonial homes. Did you know that when the British tried to bomb them during the war, they strung up lights in the trees to make the trees look like the city, so the British over shot the town.
There was an ice cream parlor where I got a milk shake, and a candy factory where I picked up some flavored, colonial sugar sticks. We also headed over to the Maritime Museum and got to go into an old light house. This light house was at Hooper Straight and was actually cut in half to be moved to the museum. It was a great museum because you could see what is looked like when it was lived in. It had old clothes and food the keeper might have had as well as journals and notebooks to flip through. I got to try on a costume the keeper might have had on! We are spending the night in this old town. Who knows what other adventures we will have?