Publish Date: Saturday, December 6, 2008
Location: Straits of Florida
Coordinates: 25° 45.381′ N 79° 36.213′ W
I debated long and hard whether to bring my Cuisinart on the the boat. It is convenient when I am doing a lot of cooking, particularly around the holidays. Otherwise, I actually enjoy cutting most vegetables by hand; and although grating cheese or making pie dough is more convenient with a food processor it is not a necessity. However, I truly missed it today when making cranberry muffins for breakfast (while underway). As I put the two cups of washed cranberries on the cutting board to chop, we hit a moderate wave which sent cranberries rolling everywhere, in the sink, on the floor, across the salon etc. Once I rounded up the rollicking cranberries, I attempted the feat again with just a handful on the cutting board. Still no success. In the end I had to cut them one or two at time and even it them it was tricky with the wave action. Note to myself: no more small rolling fruits or vegetables on the boat. 🙂