In the Bahamas

Publish Date: Sunday, December 7, 2008
Location: Bimini, Bahamas

YES! We have left America and we are now…IN THE BAHAMAs! I am so excited to be in this amazing country. Beautiful water, conch fritters, fruit punch, cute houses, sandy beaches! Its exciting!

We arrived in Bimini and were greeted by several tropical fish swimming beneath our bow. The water was so clear that I could see the bottom and every little ledge of sand and coral. Soon, we were off the boat and through customs. The town of Bimini really isn’t much, but there were many friendly faces and interesting little museums. One museum had a plaque about a man that my Mom went Bone Fishing with about 30 years ago! We also wandered down to a beach where there was an old shipwreck! It was really amazing to be able to walk around it and see a wreck up close. 

Of course, it wasn’t all fun and games. When we went swimming, a man came down the dock and informed us that..Yikes…there were several Bull Sharks (the smallest was 8 feet) swimming in the marina! Not what I wanted to hear. But still, they won’t hurt you if you don’t mess with them. 

I am so glad to be in the bahamas. Just to let you all know, our internet isn’t great and often we don’t have any, so blogs might not come as often, but I should get them up every three days or so. Thanks and See you around the Seas!

One Response to “In the Bahamas”

  1. brianna Ross says:

    hey my name is Brianna. and im 9 years old your websit is soo cool. My dad read about your mom and dad in a magazine, then went to the Miami boat show and met Ray, who sold your parents their boat! Ray gave us your website/blog info. We think what your doing is so exciting, so we’ll be watching your voyage along the way. Maybe we’ll join you guys in a few years, my dad really likes Nordhavns and loves the new Motorsailor, even though he has never sailed before. When i was little we had six boats. but we had to sell them all. now we have a paddle boat.well i have to go bye!:)