Bull Shark! And the Shark Lab.

Publish Date: Monday, December 8, 2008
Location: Bimini, Bahamas

So, after our little Bull Shark scare, we decided to check out this place on Bimini called The Shark Lab. Its name explains it. It’s the cutest little hut down the main road where a team of researchers get to study sharks every day! It was amazing to see the process of studying these amazing animals. The girl showed us how they tag them IN THE WATER. Yes, the actually get in the water and hold these massive creatures. They’re beautiful, but I think I might be a little timid about that.

We also got to see their living quarters. This includes several rooms with three sets of bunk bed in each. It certainly had a rustic feel, but I loved it. I think it would be fun to live there…minus the salt water showers. Everyone seems like they have a really good time. Now, I know that sharks are good!