Shark Lab

Publish Date: Monday, December 8, 2008
Location: South Bimini, Bahamas
Coordinates: 25° 42.637′ N 79° 17.969′ W

Our highlight in Bimini was being invited to visit the shark lab on South Bimini. Our first evening in Alice Town, the three of us watched two boats and about 10 people working very intently in the shallow waters just off of Bimini Harbor. As the boats came over towards Alice Town, Ayla and I walked down to the marina to see what they had been doing. It turns out they work with the Shark Lab on South Bimini, and were tagging 3 bull sharks visiting the area. After visiting with the crew for a while they invited us to come see what they do.

They have a small, rustic facility, configured very much like a research vessel. Here this international team of scientists and volunteers conduct extensive research on sharks. The new lead investigator Kristen spent over an hour with us showing us their facility; and discussing her research project about effects of development on North Bimini on the nurse shark population. The mangrove forest of North Bimini which are a prime nursery ground for nurse sharks, are being cut down to make way for a new large scale marina, golf course, resort development. The dedication of this group of researchers was humbling.

If you are interested in what they are up too, check out their website: