Atlantis Paradise Island

Publish Date: Sunday, December 14, 2008
Location: Atlantis Hotel, Paradise Island, Nassau, Bahamas
Coordinates: 24° 59.530′ N 77° 09.570′ W

After several nights at rough anchorages, and my less than graceful crossing of the Providence Channel, I was thrilled to spend a few nights in the marina at this amazing resort. It was actually pretty humorous, as we were the smallest boat by far at this megayacht marina. You must be at least 40 feet to stay there, and we squeaked by at 44 feet. We looked like the dingy to most of these +100 foot boats. But hey, who cares, we were still there and had all the same resort privileges.

These type of resorts will not normally be on our itinerary, but our Christmas gift to Ayla was to see go there and see the Jonas Brothers in concert. They put on a great show and we all enjoyed the concert.

The scope of this resort is incredible, with amazing water elements from pools and rides, to the aquarium and open marine habitats. Although the weather was less than cooperative with continued windy conditions, we still rode every ride and explored all the grounds. If you are into big resorts this is definitely one to see.

One Response to “Atlantis Paradise Island”

  1. Erin Hawley says:

    Great to see that you all are having a nice, except for seasickness, adventure thus far!
    Merry Christmas!