Giant Iguana’s

Publish Date: Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Location: Allen’s Cay, Exumas, Bahamas
Coordinates: 24° 44.937′ N 76° 50.258′ W

Our first stop in the Exumas is the very small, uninhabited Allen’s Cay (pronounced key) known for it’s nice anchorage and population of prehistoric Giant Iguana’s. This is the only place in the Bahamas where they still live. They are truly something to see.

We were all excited to finally take our dingy off the boat deck and start exploring. When we landed on the beach, there were two iguana’ to greet us, but within a minute or so another 15 arrived. They ranged in size from 6 inches to 3 feet. They have no fear of humans, which we discovered comes from the tour boats that show up and feed them. Once they realized we were not going to feed them, they left us alone to just admire them.

One Response to “Giant Iguana’s”

  1. Threeatsea says:


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