Cay with a Sense of Humor

Publish Date: Friday, December 19, 2008
Location: Highborne Cay, Exumas, Bahamas
Coordinates: 24° 42.557′ N  76° 49.317′ W

Highborne Cay is a private island with a quirky sense of humor. Although the island is privately held there is an intimate marina with a surprisingly well stocked grocery store for it’s size, and internet access. They provide visiting boater’s a map of the small island (~three miles in length) should you wish to go exploring. Dave had chores to do, so Ayla I took our folding bikes (thank you Mom) and set off to see the sites. We checked out the local bus stop, natural spring, and a spectacular stretch of beach (see photos). Eric the Dockmaster shared with us local knowledge of plants, and suggested other cays to visit. It was a brief stop, but provided great relief from our Allen’s Cay anchorage along with plenty of smiles.

Also, it’s the first time I have been in the ocean since we arrived in early December. YEAH! The water is spectacular. I am looking forward to lots more swimming and snorkeling.