Christmas Traditions Live on in the Bahamas

Publish Date: Thursday, December 25, 2008
Location: Warderick Wells, Exuma Land and Sea Park, Exumas, Bahamas
Coordinates: 24° 23.689′ N 76° 37.950′ W 


Warderick Wells

Warderick Wells

Although the weather was warmer, and the main color you saw when looking out the window was a sparkling blue versus a crisp white, our family Christmas traditions lived on in the Bahamas. 


On Christmas Eve, we shared a glass of Christmas cheer with several other cruising couples aboard Three@Sea.  This little gathering made me so happy, as our home has always been a place to gather with family and friends to celebrate the holidays; and it was heart warming to have this tradition continue with new friends.

Christmas Eve dinner is our special holiday meal which we savor while the air is filled with the magic and anticipation of the season. Again, this year was no different.  I was pleased to find  we could still set a pretty table, and prepare a simple yet elegant meal of steak-au-poirve, yorkshire pudding, sauteed green beans and mashed sweet potatoes, followed by all of our favorite homemade Christmas cookies.

Just before dinner was ready, we heard the jingling of bells and the unmistakable “ho, ho, ho,” of St. Nick on our VHF radio.  Just a few moments later, Ayla and a few other kids were hailed by Santa Clause. Santa wanted to let them know he would be arriving in the Bahamas shortly and reassured them he knew where the boats where.  A new experience was added….talking to Santa by VHF radio. 🙂  

The evening was complete with the reading of “T’was the Night Before Christmas” by the crackling fire. Thanks to our friend Bobby O who found a crackling fire DVD which he uploaded to the internet, so Dave could download it for our TV.  🙂 Our salon was ablaze the with sound and warmth of a holiday fire (you’d surprised how much warmth a big TV like ours emits).


Christmas morning arrived, and in fact Santa had found Ayla in theBahamas. Stockings were filled to the brim, presents spilled out from under our tiny tree , and we thoroughly enjoyed the morning while sipping hot chocolate with marshmallows and munching on cranberry nut bread. We were also fortunate to have a decent internet connection so we could talk via Skype with our families and a few friends, which truly  filled our hearts with joy. 

Instead of an afternoon walk in the snow, we went for swim donning our new Christmas bathing suits;  and, then enjoyed a potluck beach party by the whale skeleton with other cruisers.   The staff of Exuma Land and Sea Park provided turkey, ham, mac and cheese, dressing and sweet potatoes, and the cruising community brought additional side dishes, salads anddesserts. 

Christmas turned out to be a wonderful blend of our special traditions and

Christmas Morning Rainbow

Christmas Morning Rainbow

new experiences. Even the wind cooperated and tried to blow slightly less than 15 knots. 🙂 We certainly hope you and your families had a magical season too.